Theodore's heart, strained by years of asthmatic heavings and over-exercise, was in trouble. Far form climbing mountains in Maine, he must in the future refrain from even running upstairs. He must live quietly, and choose a sedentary occupation, otherwise, [Dr. Dudley A.] Sargent warned, he would not live long.
"Doctor," came the reply, " I'm going to do all the things you tell me not to do. If I've got to live the sort of live you have described, I don't care how short it is."
In short, T.R. was a badass. He's the type of guy they don't make anymore. And in this age of focus groups and polling, he's definitely the type of politician they don't make anymore either. Despite the fact that we live in a very different time, I still think it's important, especially this time of year, to look back at the lives of the great men who worked to shape the character of this country into something that we can still be proud of.
I know that there will never be another Theodore Roosevelt and I also know that it's already impossible for me to live a life comparable to his. But by looking back at those who came before, I can learn something, anything, so that I too can make our country just a little bit better. Or, at the very least, lead a life that at least I can be proud of. Hopefully, enough of us will do the same, and maybe together, we can make up for the current lack of Theodore Roosevelt's. Yeah, it's a pretty big dream, but what better time to dream big than on President's Day?