Monday, January 16, 2006

Medical Leave

I've been out of the routine of blogging again. I started a post a while back, but then life sort of threw me a couple a curves and I just haven't had the desire to finish it just yet. Hopefully it will be a good one, when I finish it. For now I'll just throw up a little update in the mean time.

Megan finally had surgery on her foot. I've been trying to get her to get it for at least three years now, probably longer. Megan was seriously considering it for at least two. She was a little scared and I don't blame her, but it really needed to be done. Basically what she had was a joint on her big toe that was both beset with arthritis and a bone spur. Neither of these are fun on their own, but combine them and you almost constant, piercing pain (or so I'm told). Well, the doctor went in and just sawed that joint out. Needles to say, Megan's foot is now feeling worse than before, but the upside is that when it heals it will feel better than before. We hope. Anyhow, I took off a bout a week from work to look after her, and it turns out it was a good thing I did, because my dad ended up in the hospital.

Yeah, my dad was complaining that his leg was swelling up off and on for about 3 weeks. Turns out he had blood clots. They hospitalized him for that, put him on blood thinners, and he started complaining about pressure in his lungs. Turns out he had blood clots in his lungs, too. They're called pulmonary hematomas, and from my understanding, 50% of the people who get them just drop dead. It's like a heart attack or stroke, except in your lungs and it can kill you just the same.

And it turns out it may be hereditary. In fact, it may in fact be what killed my dad's father, but they don't know for sure, since they never did an autopsy. So, depending on what some test results they're running on my dad say, my brother and I could soon be getting the same tests. Hello Coumadin, goodbye contact sports. Granted, I'd rather know now, than when I keel over because I just had a blood clot stop blood from leaving my heart and made it explode or something, but still, it is kind of a downer, you have to admit.

So, with that kind of hanging over my head, work has been especially stressful as well. I have so much to do right now, that I'm working 12 hour days. And like Megan's foot, that too, is going to get worse before it gets better. Oy. I need a vacation.

Too bad I just took one...