Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Man In Orange

Things have been pretty low-key for Megan and me recently. Not a lot going on. The weekdays have mostly been spent working and trying to keep our house in order and the weekends have been spent seeing family and trying to catch up on stuff we haven't had time to do during the week. Well, that and college football.

We did catch The Decemberists when they were in town. It was definitely one of the best shows I've seen in a while. Their music style is hard to pin down, I've heard them compared to Belle and Sebastian and Neutral Milk Hotel, but honestly, I think that's doing them a disservice. Don't get me wrong, I like the bands they're compared to, but The Decemberists really have something pretty unique going on. Seeing them live was a treat, because they sounded great and you could really hear the individual instruments more clearly live. They closed the show with The Mariner's Revenge Song, which is a truly epic piece of music, both structure and execution. The song was made even better through a pretty ridiculous whale prop and great crowd participation. Anyway, if you have a chance, check them out and you'll be glad you did.

Last night was Halloween, and again things were pretty low key. Megan had been really excited to give out candy at the new house, but instead had to teach obedience class. So, no candy from the Thom household this year, but as evidenced above, we did carve pumpkins. Mine was supposed to be Johnny Cash, but it kinda came out looking like Ronald Reagan. I was going to try and carve in one of the graffiti stencils Shepard Fairey did for Walk The Line, but the Walk The Line website changed and I couldn't find them online anymore. So, I based my design on this stencil, which wouldn't surprise me if it turned out to be Shepard Fairey as well.

Megan got home and we watched Shaun of the Dead to celebrate Halloween. I can only get Megan to watch scary movies once a year and was pleased the she enjoyed Shaun so much. She was really surprised that it "was actually funny and not just dumb." If I ever direct a movie, remind me to get a quote like that for the poster. People will be lined up around the block.


Blogger kate said...

pumpkin = awesome.

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No doubt, that pumpkin is quite good.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Christian said...

Thanks for the compliments guys!

11:20 PM  

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